NextGen Real Estate Investing Secrets...

How YOU can EXPONENTIALLY GROW Your Real Estate Investment Portfolio WITHOUT
Using or Needing Capital or Credit Guaranteed

...No Matter Where You're Starting from AND You Can Repeat This Process OVER AND OVER and even Generate Passive Generational Wealth


The NextGen Real Estate Investing Secrets Course ($3,970+ VALUE) is being offered for a
for just $197 $17

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The NextGen Real Estate Investing Secrets course will provide you NEW Strategies that will absolutely change how you leverage real estate to build your wealth, guaranteed.

How do I know? Because not only have I used these exact strategies to add 10 new properties to my portfolio in the last 30 days, using no money out of my pocket...

I've also taught hundreds of students across the country theses same strategies with students from all starting points having success implementing these same strategies that I'm going to teach you too.

This IS NOT get rick quick, to be clear.

This IS how to systematically build your wealth over time to increase your financial freedom.

I'm going to show you right now how to:

• quickly find real estate investment opportunities

• acquire properties without using your own capital or credit

• generate $2,000-$18,000 or more per property

• create passive generational wealth


And today, you can get it all ($3,970 value) for just $197 $27

Let me ask you a question...

Are you wanting to add even just a few hundred dollars a month (or few thousand) to your income?

Are wanting to get started investing in real estate OR build your existing portfolio even faster?

Are you looking for a way to create passive income so you enjoy even more freedom in your life?

If you answered YES to any of these, you'll want to keep on reading...

It's crazy to think that most people know that real estate creates more millionaires than any other path...

yet most American's do not have nearly enough savings to retire on.

Why the disconnect?

While most people know real estate investing is a pathway to a better freedom lifestyle,

they either don't get started because:

they have incorrect beliefs about needing to have money and/or credit

they have little time

they have no knowledge

or they have fear.

And if they do enter the space, they most often don't optimize the real estate investments they have

BUT, what if You could learn how to do it differently...

what if, you could build a real estate income stream with just 5-10 hours of effeort a week

without needing to use your capital or credit

and without having to have the knowledge or expertise that is normally required for success?

That's what you're about to learn.

Imagine if you learned how to do this...

$100 to Acquire >> $300/mo Cash Flow

(plus $90,000 of Equity in 18 Months)

That's right!

This is a real case study that you're going to learn exactly how I found this property in minutes and created an opportunity with a simple text message.

Now, the equity amount in that period of time is the result of market trends, but any gain in equity is great!

But, the cash flow is not just typical, it's actually low vs. the average.

Trust me, you'll be blown away when you see how many opportunities just like this are out there waiting for you.

You're also going to learn how to do this...

$100 to Acquire >> $1,285/mo Cash Flow (Student Case Study)

YES WOW! This is a real student case study that actually is very representative of the types of numbers achievable.

In this case, we turned this property from $3,200/mo in average rent to $6,921/mo.

After business expenses to reach these numbers, we generated an average of $1,285 in monthly profits over the past 12 months.

You can do this same strategy in almost any market, but I'm going to show you where best to get started.


You can do this no matter where you're starting from, beginners to seasoned investors

The best thing about real estate is that is has no barriers to entry...

Any age, any race, any sex, any educational background, any income level...

This means YOU can do this right now.

What I'm about to teach you will guide you to resources so that you can do this no matter where you're at in your life.

As long as you can commit at least 5 hours a week, this is for you.

Before I share more about what you're going to learn and testimonials, I'd like to formally introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Keith Aichele...

I've been in real estate for over 22 years and have trained hundreds of individuals on unique real estate investing strategies.

I've also had the privilege of speaking and teaching proprietary marketing concepts nationwide and internationally.

In 2000, I created a real estate marketing company that become #1 in the industry in just 18 months, and then sold my suite of companies in just 5 years.

In 2017, I decided to combine my two areas of expertise once again and build an unprecedented model of real estate investing which is

now enabling individuals just like you

to enhance their lives through real estate.

Why You, Why Now, and Whats Different?...

Why YOU...because you're on this page for a reason, you desire more.

Why Now...because the sooner you start the sooner you can begin increasing your passive cash flow.

What's different...almost everything!

I put this program together for you because I saw so many "Gurus" charging thousands of dollars for nothing but education.

Some of it was good education and some it, not so good. But either way, people were't getting results.

It's a repeat story. People jump into a weekend real estate investing workshop, invest $2,000...$5,000...$20,000 or even $50,000... and then end up with $0.

I said this doesn't make sense.

Most people cannot learn what it takes to implement real estate investment principles after just one weekend, week or even month!

Most gurus end up selling education programs that becomes "shelf help" and lost investment by customers (no matter how good the guru is!!).


(and now most gurus don't like me, and that's ok)

You see, instead of charging THOUSANDS of dollars for the full training course...

I'm practically giving it away by with a ridiculously low low price.

Why you're wondering?

It's simple.

Education without results has very, very little value.

So, why not put my money where my mouth is and PROVE that these strategies will work for you!


Simple, I know that when you implement these new strategies by taking action, you will get results.

And as you realize how powerful the opportunity to build your wealth is with this new knowledge, you're going to thank me for helping you enhance your lifestyle.

And, having been in this for over 20 years, I know you're going to come across opportunities that you may want help with and you'll want me to partner with you.

And when we do, that's where we're going to make BIG MONEY together.

Not just a couple thousand dollars, I'm talking 10s of thousands of dollars.

So I'm willing to practically GIVE my knowledge and expertise to you, because chances are...

if you are serious about wanting real estate to change your life, then we're both going to make WAY MORE than what I could by charging just for the education!

and my students will even tell you so...

"Since doing this program with Keith, my portfolio has definitely exponentially grown" ~ Josephine

"Our system has changed, our way of doing business has changed, our confidence has changed." ~ Ryan

"...people CAN invest in real estate without using their own money or credit, and indeed that's exactly what we do" ~ Mike

"His models for helping homeowners are very unique and innovative...I'm already earning 18% returns" ~ Zsuzsanna

Here's the NextGen Real Estate Investing Secrets Course That I've Designed For YOU

How You Can Find 5 NEW Quality Real Estate Investment Opportunities in 15 Minutes or Less for FREE Guaranteed

Learn how you can instantly find real estate opportunities in a matter of minutes in virtually any major or secondary market.

This strategy will make finding properties to pursue the easiest part of the process...

without having to drive around

anytime, from the convenience of your home or anywhere.

Value $397.00++

How You Can Turn Your Real Estate Opportunities into $2,000 to $18,000 or MORE per Property

Now that you've found some good opportunities, it's time to turn them into cash.

You'll learn at least 6 new revenue models of real estate investing like you've never seen before.

Note, this is not fix-n-flip or wholesaling (in fact you'll never want to do that the same way again)

Value $397.00++

How You Can Acquire Real Estate with Just $100 Out of Your Pocket!

You'll be blown away when you discover how you can acquire real estate with only $100 out of your pocket...and no credit either.

Most people don't believe this is possible, yet we acquire 90% of our properties this way.

I'm going to explain to you how we do it and why this model is so effective.

Just imagine how fast your portfolio can grow when you need little cash and no credit.

Value $397.00++

How You Can Attract Investors to Fund Your Real Estate Deals

While the market is filled with properties you can acquire with NO MONEY, there will be many great opportunities in front of you that do require capital

Once you learn how to attract investors so they want to fund your deals, you will expand the possibilities of the types of projects you can add to your portfolio.

You'll learn where to find investors and what will attract them to want to invest into your projects.

Value $397.00++

How You Can Create Passive Generational Wealth From Real Estate

One of the true benefits of real estate investing is its ability to create financial freedom through cash flow.

When done right, you will build not only a freedom lifestyle for you, but this will be something you can pass on to next generations.

You'll learn how to get out the fix-n-flip and wholesaling traps and instead build a portfolio of cash flow that builds over time.

This is not get rich quick, but how to systematically create wealth and freedom

Value $397.00++

How You Can Turn EVERY and ANY Bedroom Into $2,200/mo of Income While Helping Others at the Same Time

Yes, you can make good money in real estate investing, but what if you can make really good money AND help others at the same time?

You're about learn a new shared housing model that will set you apart from the rest, put great cash flow in your pocket, and provide real meaning.

When you implement this model we developed, you'll be able to generate $2,200 of income for each bedroom in your property.

Yes, crazy right? This means a 3 bedroom home can generate $6,600 or more per month.

Value $397.00++


FREE TICKET to Grow Vertical 2024

(only materials fee required)

Come Join Innovation, Marketing and Real Estate Investing Expert KEITH AICHELE along with Special Guest Speakers and learn the NEW, most innovative real estate investing strategies to build your passive income along with NEW cutting edge marketing strategies that will instantly accelerate your real estate investing business (or ANY business you own)

Value $2,997.00++

Ready to get started?

Get all of this for just $17 today!


100% Money Back Guarantee!!

Here's my promise to you:

After watching the training, if you decide that the NextGen Real Estate Investing Secrets is not for you...

Then I'll give you a full, 100% refund of today's purchase any time over the next 90 days.

So go through all the training...

See how easy it is to build your real estate portfolio even faster from any starting point.

If you don't feel the training was worth the investment, then simply email my team at any time over the next 90 days for a complete refund of your purchase today.

So you really have nothing to lose... and everything to gain.

PLUS, Some Amazing Bonuses for YOU Today!

BONUS #1: How You Can Get Property Owners Wanting to Give You the Keys to Their Property for FREE!!

$397++ Value

Just wait till you see why property owners would want to give you the keys to their property for free!

I'm even going to direct you where to go to find these types of property owners and I assure you, it's not who your thinking it is.

BONUS #2: How You Can Get Renovators to PAY YOU to Flip Your House!


Stop working fix-n-flips the old way!

Instead of dealing with contractors that don't show up, go over budget, past the timeline...

Learn this unique model to get renovators to pay you to flip your house, eliminating the traditional headaches faced by real estate investors.

BONUS #3: How You Can Earn 18% or More on Your Money Guaranteed!!


While you don't need to have money to apply the principles in this training, if you have money you can grow your wealth faster.

Are you earning sub-par returns on your cash as it sit in the bank, swirls in the stock market, or spins in a 401k?

We pay our investors 18% or more on their money because of our triple digit cash on cash ROI models.

Now's your chance to earn great returns on your money starting NOW!

BONUS #4: How You Can Get Everyone Else to Pay for All the Things You Want in Life!

$397++ Value

You don't need to be a millionaire to be financially free.

You just need more passive income coming in than expenses going out.

I'm going to show you how to get everyone else to pay for the things you want in life...

cars, homes, vacations, college, retirement, etc...

so you can enjoy more financial freedom. This is so life changing it should be taught in high school.

Plus A Bonus Case Study...

$10 OUT OF POCKET >> $116,074 PROFIT

This case study will blow your mind, but I do have to disclose, the final profit numbers ARE NOT typical and you will not likely create this much return, but it is possible.

However, you can apply this same strategy to earn an average of $15,000 to $30,000 doing exactly what I did.

This is a model you can apply this anywhere in the country with virtually nothing out of your pocket.

WOW! That's a TON of VALUE!!


TOTAL VALUE: $3,970.00

ONLY $197 $17

** 90-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee!**

All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2024 NextGen REI LLC


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NextGen REI LLC provides marketing systems, education and training to real estate professionals, businesses, and the general consumer. NextGen REI LLC is not a real estate brokerage and further does not and will not engage in the practice of real estate or such activities defined by the laws of each state as requiring a real estate license.
NextGen REI LLC may engage the expertise of real estate investors, licensed real estate professionals, as well as marketing, legal, tax, and other experts to assist in the education, training and marketing programs and services offered.

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